We got a great deal - better than we ever imagined. This is partly because David is such a great person and everybody loves him, and partly because Minot is not a destination of choice for many, many people. But, that is OK for us. We went there and fell in love with it. We can see ourselves there long term.
The town is a quiet little place with about 35,000 people. It has 2 wards and a huge airforce base close by. There is lots of farming there and beautiful wheat fields. The sun shines most of the time, which we love and look forward to. Yes - it is very cold in the winter. In fact it is so north that we will even be able to see the Northern Lights. It gets to be about 20 below average in the winter, but we have been dealing with that every winter for 6 years now. No big deal.
The people there are awesome. Sooooo friendly and welcoming. And, EVERYONE is polite. We love it. This town was rated 7th and 3rd best place to live in the US (different years). It was rated best place to raise kids and have a family. It also has nationally top ranked schools for the kids. And, over 90% of kids go to college and graduate from college. ....Sounds like just what we were looking for.
We can get a great house with land. This is the house I want "right now." We'll see when it comes time to move, however. http://www.minothomes.com/cgi-bin/property.pl MLS # 20091272. It has been there a while, probably because there is no rush to move to Minot. Bad for them. Good for us.
oh my wow! that is a gorgeous home! i love the land it's on. that would be a great place to live. i don[t think our little arizona selves would survive the winters though. good luck with the move!!! (when the time comes)
What a beautiful home. I hope it all works out for you. Good luck!
Welcome to Minot! So good to hear that you are coming here with such a positive attitude. The home you've chosen is in a very good neighborhood. There are a number of deer that regularly feed in the open field behind your yard. We've seen does with twin fawn in the area three of the last four years. Trinity is the largest private employer in Minot, second I think only to the nearby Air Force Base. A good place to work, particularly for Physicians. The weather can be quite severe in the winter, however, the first step in dealing with that is to face it with a positive attitide and you've already done that. Far too many people come here with a negative attitude, already knowing they won't enjoy the meager offerings of a small town, far from any metroplolitan areas cursed with viciously cold winters. So you see it is matter of attitude. Minot is my Home. I've lived many places but have more than once, come home again, and stayed. Again, Welcome to you and your family.
We're sure gonna hate losing you, but we're excited for the new opportunities and life ahead of you :D
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