So, Justice broke his little arm Tuesday. I was in the front yard replanting some plants. Justice was in the back jumping on the trampoline with his brother and sisters. All of a sudden I heard him crying. I went back to see what happened and he was laying on the trampoline and couldn't get up. I knew at that point he got really hurt. I carried him in the house and luckily David got home soon afterwards. David examined him arm and thought it was either broken or dislocated. We needed Xrays to know for sure. So I took him to the closest ER - 15 minutes away. The place was packed. I was told the wait was about 2 hours. Well, That was too long to wait. Justice was in pain. So, i called David and we decided to have David take him to the hospital that he works at.
He called ahead while he drove there, so David's friends in the ER were waiting him. He was able to be examined quickly and it was determined that Justice broke his elbow and he needed surgery because it was completely unstable. Apparently, he has a chunk of bone and cartilage completely separated from his elbow. David called and told me what was happening, at which point I decided I needed to be at the hospital. Plus, Justice was screaming for me. So, I got hold of my friend and neighbor who so graciously took my other kids. It was about 8:30 at night so I left them with her to spend the night. I also borrowed her car to get to the hospital because we are a 1car family now. Our Suburban died. Anyway, I rushed to the hospital. And went up to the surgical floor. I knew where David and Justice were by following the sound of Justice's screams. He had just gotten an IV hooked up. When i got there, I was met by David's friend who is an Ortho doc. He gave me the low-down of what was going on. Then after Justice fell asleep from the anesthesia, David came out of the O.R. to meet me. He pulled up Justice's X Rays on the computer and showed me the Fragmented bone that needed to be put back. Then we Labor and delivery unit so David could talk to his fellow residents to get his work schedule adjusted for the next couple of days. After that, he took me to the resident lounge and we grabbed some food for out wait.
We went to the waiting room and waited for 2 hours for a 20 minute surgery. I had to pee about 20 times because i was so nervous! It turned out to be a much more complicated case than originally thought. But, the attending came out and explained what happened....
Justice had to have his arm cut open to fix the bone because the Docs had a hard time seeing where the pins need to be to stabilize the elbow. It was pretty tricky because cartilage was also broken off and they had to put the bone back exactly right or the broken off piece would die and Justice arm would grow kinda deformed from the breaking point. But, David gave him a blessing, so we feel good about everything that went down.
After the surgery we went in to see Justice. He was so sweet. I stayed with him in the hospital and slept at the end/side of his bed. I did park myself on the couch, but when he woke up he screamed and cried, "Mommy, I need you!" And, that did it. I was constantly touching him from that point to let him know I was there. He was very talkative during the night and said some funny things. And, but 12pm the next day we were out of there and at home.
He has been parked on the couch since. Now he is a demanding fussy pants. Oh well, I guess he can do that for a couple of days. He does feel like crap after all and wants to be playing...
Fussy pants??? I don't know what fussy pants are. I'm glad the surgery went well and he's doing better! Poor guy!
Poor little man. I am glad that they took care of him so well. Hoping for a speedy recovery.
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