
Should I write of Thanksgiving today?  Of course, I am thankful! But, I don't feel inclined to give preschool answers today.... I am thankful for my family. I am thankful for this food. I am thankful for my home, my God, my friends..... We all have these answers. Yes? How many "I am Thankful" blogs have you read today? Did they all say the same things? Too generic. Well, I am going to dig deeper in my thanksgiving. I will say what I am thankful for that is so not obvious....

1. I am grateful for my computer that gives me a voice.
2. I am grateful for my mind that I have not lost - yet.
3. I am grateful for my mind that I have not lost - yet. Wait... what...?
4. I am grateful for the hair on my legs. They make the best scratching posts in bed.
5. I am grateful for the stretch mark stripes on my hiney that make me feel like a sassy tigress on the prowl. Grrrr...
6. I am grateful for the voices in my head that keep me company.... Shhh.. Not now. I am writing!
7. I am grateful for my mind that I have not lost. Ahhhh. Crap!
8. I am grateful that I am always cold because virtually everything I touch is warm.
9. I am grateful for the fear I experienced the other day that made a sound come out of my mouth which I have never heard myself make before. I learned something new about myself.
10. I am grateful for being dizzy. I get to view the world differently every time I blink my eyes.

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