I was woken up this morning at 5:30 am by Justice. With my eyes closed and as I was still trying to sleep, I heard Justice gagging by the side of my bed. He sputtered out, "Mommy, the yellow water hurts my tongue. Mommy I keep throwing up." Upon hearing that, my eyes shot open to see that he was covered in throw-up and had foam around his mouth and hanging like a beard down his chin to his chest.
I jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom to get David who was showering. I told him to get out and repeated to David what Justice said to me. David hit panic mode, also. I rushed to see what Justice could have swallowed. And only found a sippy cup with water. David tasted the water and said that it had a soap aftertaste. But, we couldn't imagine that a soapy residue could have this effect of a 3 yr old.
Just to be sure, I gave him some milk to coat his stomach.
So, I watched Justice for a while to make sure he was doing OK.... He fell asleep and then woke up vomiting again. It was the milk that came up, very thick and in huge curds. He started begging me to take him to the hospital. His belly hurt severely and he had back pain, and vomiting.
I called poison control. They thought that it sounded like soap residue. And they told me to give him fluids. I did.
But an hour later they called back and I could only tell them that he wouldn't stop vomiting and crying to go to the hospital. They told me that that is not normal for dish soap residue and that I needed to take him to the hospital at that point.
I decided to give Justice a bath because he was covered in vomit. Then he decided he was better, and appeared to be looking better. I wanted to test that so I took Justice across the street to his friends to see if he in fact felt better. The last thing I wanted to do was walk into the ER with this same child - AGAIN.
But after about 5 minutes of being with friends, Justice said he wanted to go home. I knew at that point that we really should go to the ER. Plus, when we got back home from visiting friends Justice threw up all the water that he had just drank. He was keeping nothing down.
I got us ready, grabbed Justice, a blanket, and a throw-up bucket, and drove to the hospital. We met David at the ER. And, the nurses took us right back. Everyone just laughed (thankfully) at his crazy antics and misfortunes this last month. I am now getting pretty uneasy when I walk in to the ER carrying Justice... again, and again, and again.
We were in the ER for about an hour and a half so Justice could be observed. Since we really didn't know what he drank there was nothing we could do but wait and see what happened... No work up....
As time went on, he did improve in his demeanor and appearance. Of course at that point we were 6 hours into the whole ordeal.
The nurses gave him about 15 stickers and 2 popsicles, which he loved! I am glad he ate the popsicles and kept them down. But, notice the bed pan that came with the popsicles? I almost needed one too because I was going to start puking! He was EATING over it. I know it was sterile, but still. So, SOOOOO GROSS!
We were then signed out of the hospital, but told that if Justice throws up again he needed to go back in.
Well, driving home Justice became sick again. His belly and back started hurting again. And, he demanded that I give him the bucket to throw up in and also that I turn the car around to go back to the hospital.
Sadly, I knew there was nothing they could do, so I went home knowing Justice had to make it through this.
Are you sure you're not creating these incidents "accidentally on purpose" just so you have something to write about??? Hahaha! j/k. I'm glad he's feeling better now. =)
See!!! That is what I was worried about. People are gonna start asking questions.
But, even if he gets taken away (God forbid), I know he'll be sent back to us shortly because he will end up doing this stuff with foster parents too. It is just who this kid is! He is CRAZY!
Crazy Tera! Poor guy and you. Glad he is better. And I loved your Thanksgiving post. It was great.
and i love the christmas background. i think maybe you like the er so much because you feel closer to david. it is the same hospital that he works with, right?
p.s. - so, you guessed right about our baby girl. if your husband was here, just think of how rich we would make him! (after he paid off the student loans, of course!)
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