7am Wake-Up

This morning as I was half conscience at 7am I heard the phone ring. Knowing it must be David because sometimes he calls to remind me to do things during the day, I answered it. Otherwise, I would have ignored it and cussed out any other freak for calling so early.
It was David. I answered, "Hey, Babe. What going on?" "I need you to come get me. I've been in an accident." His voiced was shaky and I was suddenly wide awake.
It has always been a concern of mine.... him going to work before the crack of dawn - especially now with all the snow and ice on the roads. He left at 6 am this morning and now it was 7am! What happened in between the times? I was so worried. I asked if he was OK and he assured me he was. He said the block wall he hit 30 feet off the road saved him from hitting a sign and rolling into a deep trench. I am not so sure he should have told me that.... Obviously, I was relieved that he was OK, but the thought of him spinning out of control and rolling the car into a trench sent panic through me.
I quickly grabbed some clothes, woke Faith up to watch the little kids and I took off out the door.
He told me he crashed at a funeral home. So, thanks to all the spirits who reside at funeral homes! Cause they protected my sweetheart! After seeing the accident and how it happened, I know David was being watched over. It could have gone much, much worse.
As I was driving to the funeral home, I realized I didn't know where it was. Luckily after driving a little further, I saw a glow of police car lights flashing in the dark about a mile and half up the road. I was worried about what I might find. But, when I saw David I parked the car and rushed over to him to give him a great big hug. He looked perfectly fine. The car which had spun around looked perfectly fine despite that fact that it now had a flat and was on the top of a bunch of blocks. The rest of the wall was down in the trench. I just prayed to God giving thanks.
I waited with David for the tow truck to show up. We just hoped now that the truck could just pull the car off of the blocks and David could still drive it. And, you know what? That is exactly what happened! Aside from a flat tire, the car worked! It really was a miracle! And, if you could only see how close David was to hitting the sign and rolling, you would agree.
Here are the pics.... and despite what you think, I did not think to grab my camera, because I was too worried about David. I did have my cel phone though to make calls if I needed to. It just so happens to have a picture application.


d-daddy-o said...

It's nice to see a post not involving poo or Justice breaking his arm.

Unknown said...

LOL! Just wait. It might come tomorrow after the ER visit.

Counselorburnworth said...

We missed you Tera, but it seems you had enough going on. But I want to officially reprimand you for not calling on us. TOM AND I are both on vacation, so you are required to call us in emergency situations,....just in case you didn't hear me I'll say it again! "You are required to call me (or Carrie) if you have emergency situations"

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