I Boycott kindergarteners!

I was the reader guest for Hope's kindergarten class today. Hope was very excited. She picked out the book "How Santa Got His Job." I was cool with that. It is a fun book and perfect for the season.
So when I got to Hope's school, she saw me walk into her class and was very excited..... naturally, cause I'm awesome.
But, some other kids were excited too. And, I was soon cornered. I was happy to see the kicks and share with them my literary skill. That was until after eyeballing me up and down a little girl asked,

"Are you Miss Irmen's mom?"

CHOKE!  EXCUSE ME????  Just how old do you think I am, kid? I mean really... Don't they teach you anything in Kindergarten????  I know Miss Irmen is a young teacher and unfortunately I am aging, but I don't look THAT old! And, I could not possibly have a 22 year old daughter! That would have made me 10 years old at the time of giving birth.
The naughty little girl with an obvious visual imparment made me so insecure that I had to call David and ask him how old I looked. And, my mirror time was a little extra long.... like for the rest of the day.

Anyway... To do list today...
  • Get a pore and wrinkle shrinking facial mask
  • Call for a hair appointment
  • Do some squats
  • Follow up with arm curls

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