I learned to go to my mom whenever I was sick.... She would run me a steamy hot bath, make me some "suicide tea", give me a glass of juice to wash it down with, and pump me full of white willow bark, Echinacea, and golden seal root. And, then she would lather me up with Sunbreeze, which in the natural equivalent to Vapor Rub. But because it was natural, I even had to put it ON my tongue.
When Hope gets one of her many UTIs, David just says "that girl!", and continues whatever he is doing. I on the other hand give David his script pad and tell him to not come home until he has an antibiotic in hand.
Tonight Faith came in our room crying that her stomach hurt and she felt like she was going to throw up because her throat hurt, too. David gave her blank stares. I on the other hand administered Pepto and gave her a sore throat lozenge. She is currently sleeping peacefully.
The other day when Justice got into whatever "yellow water" that poisoned him for 6 hours David went to work. But, I cleaned up after Justice, kept him full of fluids, called poison control, and ultimately took him to the ER.
When Courage was younger and almost died from his infection, who wanted to wait out the fever until morning? And, who rushed Courage to the ER? You guessed it. David waits. I rush. The doctors said he would have been dead by the morning. And, waiting even a couple more hours would have required amputation of his leg.
Yet, somehow David feels justified in making fun of me to his doctor friends and peers, because I take charge when the kids are in sickly peril. Why? Because after all HE is the doctor.... And, I am the lowly stay at home mom.
But, answer me this... Are we dealing with vaginas? Who needs their uterus taken out? Yeah. That's what I thought. And, who is the one who takes initiative when the kids are sick? Right-O! It's me.
So next time you feel inclined to joke about "Dr. Mom"..... SHUT IT! Dr. Mom ALWAYS comes to the rescue. And, Dr. Mom is always right. It's called "Motherly Intuition." Don't mess with Momma.
As a side note... David is a FABULOUS ObGyn! If you are prego, have a rank or "cheesy" wahoo, need your uterus yanked, or even need your fallopian tubes roto-rootered go to him. He's your man.

No offense to Dave as a doctor....but I can pretty much guarantee I will NEVER go to him for any of those reasons. Hahaha! Awkward! And even though my girls prefer Dad over Mom 90% of the time (cause Dad's the fun one and Mom makes them do things), when they're sick or hurt, they ALWAYS come crying to me. That makes me feel 100% better. =)
First of all, its what I do all day and I want to be dad when I get home not Dr., you get to be mom all day so sometimes its nice to be Dr. Mom. Second, typically whatever I say to do you end up following your intuition anyway. If I didn't have faith in it I wouldn't give blank stares or say "that girl" (by the way wipe front to back everyone). Also you forget that you always call me right away to get my opinion on injuries or sickness then do with it what you will. Courage's leg issue was 8 years ago long before med school so i get a pass on that one and your cheesy wahoo comment was gross. I love you.
....sigh...Tera, you never let me down, with the busy, daily runnings of my life, I always appreciate a good 10 minute break to read your blog and get a chuckle....and you have even added to my vocabulary this weekend with the new term
"cheesy wahoo"....scary....
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