Pregnancy Brain

I know I haven't been writing hardly at all lately. And, some of you have had withdrawls from that or so I am told... But there is a very good explaination .
I am now 9 1/2 weeks pregnant - YAY! And, so, I am totally and completely exhausted.
My heart wants to blog, but my brain says, "hgshgde sdhgsdihg jjheidhiu ZZZZZZZzzzzzz....."
To illustrate my point, below I have a diagram of a pregnancy brain.

Notice the very small section dedicated to organizanization and blogging. And, notice that blogging is in a fog. These are facts that couldn't be made up. Also, notice that the majority of the brain is dedicated to basic needs and keeping sanity. Pregnancy is no easy task!
So, I will make an ealy resolution to get back in the swing of things when it comes to blogging. All I have to say about that is, "Don't expect too much."

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