Pray Always

The lesson today at church was to always be in prayer or have a prayer in your heart. But, after what I had recently witnessed I don't think that should always be the case....
The bedtime routine in our home is to have the kids gather around as we read the scriptures as a family. Then we have a family prayer. That is simple enough. Right?
Afterwards, we have the kids march upstairs and do their final "bedtime" routine. That is they go to the bathroom, brush teeth, set out clothes for tomorrow, etc. 
Well, as they were all doing that I shouted to them all, "Say your personal prayers before I get up there!"
A few minutes later, I walked up stairs and saw Justice standing in the bathroom at the top of the stairs. He was saying his bedtime prayer. ".....And thank you for my mom and dad. Please help me to be a good boy. In the name of Jesus Christ.....", as he had his underpants down to his ankles and had a firm hold on his little tail with pee streaming out of it. I quickly said, "Justice! Not now! That is not reverent. Wait until you are done peeing. Then you say your prayers kneeling at your bed." He just looked up at me with a huge smile and those big brown eyes of his. 

I love that boy.

FYI - "Tail" is what we call "Penis" in our home. It has been that way for a couple of years now; ever since Hope told us she wanted a tail like Courage and Daddy. It makes sense. It is in the right area and it hangs like a tail.

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