My Day is Now Complete

No day would be complete if I didn't have Justice run up to me on his little tippy toes, buck naked, smiling ear to ear and shouting, "Mommy! Do you want to see my REALY, REEEEAAAALLLLY BIG poo?!?!"
So much excitement always comes with this question that I can't help but exclaim back to him, "I TOTALLY want to see your REEEEAAALLLY big poo!"
We then take a few moments ooo-ing and awe-ing over the bowl and he begins to describe the shape, size, color and number of pieces that came out of his bottom. All the while that his analysis of his poo is going on, I am trying as hard as I can to hold my breath because if I don't I will surely end up with my head hanging over the bowl puking. And, that would be the death of me because that is where the offending odor is coming from. The scenerio would be a viscous cycle that would never end except with my life.
This daily event always ends with Justice spread eagle against the wall with his legs wide apart, like he is being patted down by the police, so I can wipe his behind.
What is it that makes poopig so exciting to a 3 yr old? And, if it is accompanied by tooting - all the better!
I mean sure.... I understand the whole feeling of relief and satisfaction that comes with eliminating. We have all felt it. But, you won't see me running up to David shouting, "HEY BABY! COME SEE MY REEEEAAAALLLY BIG POO!"

I just don't understand the excitement. But, apparently this topic is so appealing to kids, and not just mine, that a book titled, "The Scoop on Poop" was written telling all the exciting facts about it. There is even a traveling exhibit named after the book. I think I will try to get our COSI museum to schedule it. The traveling exhibit is available February through September, 2010. And then at least those in my area will learn the secret behind the exciting poo.


Burwell's Bits said...

I am so sorry and KNOW exactly how it makes you feel. Riley doesn't call me to see her's but I have to help her wipe... I can't even wash my hands in that bathroom, I race to the other for that. My gag reflex has gotten worse the further along a get.

I am so glad that things are going well for you. My heart broke reading your last post, and then was delighted with the prognosis. Take it easy and enjoy!!!

Lissa said...

My kids love poop, too. In fact, 2 Christmases ago, all Jade would say when we asked her what she wanted was poop. =)

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