Tis the season to be jolly.. and shopping. My kids wanted to join in on the fun. So, they begged me to take them out to Meijer. (It is like a small version of Super Wal-Mart.)
At first I was all for it. I knew we were done shopping yet. But, then David made a stink about not wanting to go. (He can be such a poop about shopping!) Ugh... Well, the kids were begging, and I was faced with taking all 4 by myself. I was reluctant, but went.
Getting down to the store was not so bad. Then we entered. The kids acted like they have never been in public before! The little ones were mostly fine. It was my big kids that gave me holiday strife.
We walked up and down the toy isles over, and over, and over, and over again. I began losing control not only of my children, but my mind. At one point I turned the corner of an aisle and found Faith 4 feet in the air horizontal as a skate board was speedily racing toward me. (Apparently she is jealous of all the attention Justice has been getting lately, and wanted to take a trip to the ER after our shopping.) Another time Courage had bounced a ball so high that it got away from him and through oncoming shoppers, until he could find it no longer. Justice thought that was cool, so he tried it too.
After an hour of antics like these, I was done. My holly jolly turned into HOLY CRAP GET ME OUT OF HERE!
But, when I told the kids that we were leaving, they all complained that we didn't buy anything! What? Are you kidding me? I thought holiday shopping meant walking around until you'd rather poke your eyes out than see another Christmas gimmick....
Well, that is when Hope began her melt down. She sobbed huge crocodile tears because I told her we'd try again another time (buy a present for her friend.)
So what did I learn?
I love Christmas. I love shopping. But, I am not so sure about combining the 2. And, I am definitely sure that when kids are involved it is just gonna suck a big one.

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