2nd Cast Removal

Justice finally got his 2nd cast off! It has been nearly 2 monthssinnce we could see his bare arm. So, he and the rest of the family were very anxious to have him get it off.
This time the removl went very smoothly. No tears like last time. Justice was all smiles.

Everyone in the office knows Justice by name now.
And, so, they also know to stop calling him an adorable little girl.

This guy, I think his name is Howard, is super nice. He put on both of Justice's casts and took them both off.

Waiting for his bajillianth Xray.

Such a big boy! Because I am pregnant I couldn't go into the Xray room with him. But, the tech was really nice and Justice and she had a great time visiting during the Xray process.

Getting his "fig leaf" to protect his little giblets.

Holding perfectly still for the Xrays.

 Now..... His cast was off at 2pm. We went home and had a mini celebration. Then at 4:30 he wanted to go outside to play in the snow with his siblings. Well, he fell. And then the flood gate of tears opened. He screamed and cried holding his arm like he did the last 2 times he broke it. I started freaking out! It was only 2 1/2 hours! How could he brake it so soon?!?  His arm started to swell and he would not let me get close to his arm to check it out.
I called David, who was at work - of course. We decided to wait it out through the night. We were hoping that he just over stretched or bent his arm too much. After all, it was used to being in a cast for 2 months.
By the morning Justice's arm was feeling much better. His arm was still stiff, but didn't seem to be broken.
Now if we can only keep it that way!

Pregnancy Brain

I know I haven't been writing hardly at all lately. And, some of you have had withdrawls from that or so I am told... But there is a very good explaination .
I am now 9 1/2 weeks pregnant - YAY! And, so, I am totally and completely exhausted.
My heart wants to blog, but my brain says, "hgshgde sdhgsdihg jjheidhiu ZZZZZZZzzzzzz....."
To illustrate my point, below I have a diagram of a pregnancy brain.

Notice the very small section dedicated to organizanization and blogging. And, notice that blogging is in a fog. These are facts that couldn't be made up. Also, notice that the majority of the brain is dedicated to basic needs and keeping sanity. Pregnancy is no easy task!
So, I will make an ealy resolution to get back in the swing of things when it comes to blogging. All I have to say about that is, "Don't expect too much."

7am Wake-Up

This morning as I was half conscience at 7am I heard the phone ring. Knowing it must be David because sometimes he calls to remind me to do things during the day, I answered it. Otherwise, I would have ignored it and cussed out any other freak for calling so early.
It was David. I answered, "Hey, Babe. What going on?" "I need you to come get me. I've been in an accident." His voiced was shaky and I was suddenly wide awake.
It has always been a concern of mine.... him going to work before the crack of dawn - especially now with all the snow and ice on the roads. He left at 6 am this morning and now it was 7am! What happened in between the times? I was so worried. I asked if he was OK and he assured me he was. He said the block wall he hit 30 feet off the road saved him from hitting a sign and rolling into a deep trench. I am not so sure he should have told me that.... Obviously, I was relieved that he was OK, but the thought of him spinning out of control and rolling the car into a trench sent panic through me.
I quickly grabbed some clothes, woke Faith up to watch the little kids and I took off out the door.
He told me he crashed at a funeral home. So, thanks to all the spirits who reside at funeral homes! Cause they protected my sweetheart! After seeing the accident and how it happened, I know David was being watched over. It could have gone much, much worse.
As I was driving to the funeral home, I realized I didn't know where it was. Luckily after driving a little further, I saw a glow of police car lights flashing in the dark about a mile and half up the road. I was worried about what I might find. But, when I saw David I parked the car and rushed over to him to give him a great big hug. He looked perfectly fine. The car which had spun around looked perfectly fine despite that fact that it now had a flat and was on the top of a bunch of blocks. The rest of the wall was down in the trench. I just prayed to God giving thanks.
I waited with David for the tow truck to show up. We just hoped now that the truck could just pull the car off of the blocks and David could still drive it. And, you know what? That is exactly what happened! Aside from a flat tire, the car worked! It really was a miracle! And, if you could only see how close David was to hitting the sign and rolling, you would agree.
Here are the pics.... and despite what you think, I did not think to grab my camera, because I was too worried about David. I did have my cel phone though to make calls if I needed to. It just so happens to have a picture application.

My Day is Now Complete

No day would be complete if I didn't have Justice run up to me on his little tippy toes, buck naked, smiling ear to ear and shouting, "Mommy! Do you want to see my REALY, REEEEAAAALLLLY BIG poo?!?!"
So much excitement always comes with this question that I can't help but exclaim back to him, "I TOTALLY want to see your REEEEAAALLLY big poo!"
We then take a few moments ooo-ing and awe-ing over the bowl and he begins to describe the shape, size, color and number of pieces that came out of his bottom. All the while that his analysis of his poo is going on, I am trying as hard as I can to hold my breath because if I don't I will surely end up with my head hanging over the bowl puking. And, that would be the death of me because that is where the offending odor is coming from. The scenerio would be a viscous cycle that would never end except with my life.
This daily event always ends with Justice spread eagle against the wall with his legs wide apart, like he is being patted down by the police, so I can wipe his behind.
What is it that makes poopig so exciting to a 3 yr old? And, if it is accompanied by tooting - all the better!
I mean sure.... I understand the whole feeling of relief and satisfaction that comes with eliminating. We have all felt it. But, you won't see me running up to David shouting, "HEY BABY! COME SEE MY REEEEAAAALLLY BIG POO!"

I just don't understand the excitement. But, apparently this topic is so appealing to kids, and not just mine, that a book titled, "The Scoop on Poop" was written telling all the exciting facts about it. There is even a traveling exhibit named after the book. I think I will try to get our COSI museum to schedule it. The traveling exhibit is available February through September, 2010. And then at least those in my area will learn the secret behind the exciting poo.

That Which Doesn't Kill You Makes You Stronger

As I stood dry-heaving over the blue berry pancakes that I made this morning, I couldn't help but reflect on things I am truly grateful for. This last week was a tough one for me. You might have noticed since I have not posted anything on my blog.
What a week I have had.

It was finals week for my school. That meant 4 papers and 2 research projects to write by tonight. I thought I would never make through. But, I did. I turned in my last project this morning at 6am. Writing a research paper is not what I wanted to be doing at 5 in the morning, but I couldn't sleep... And, it is finished! Yay me.
But, the biggest trial I had this last week that nearly did me in happened on Sunday.

Everything with my pregnancy had been going perfectly according to plan. I was completely exhausted. I was utterly nauseas. And, I was most of all completely elated that I was pregnant with my baby boy.
While sitting surrounded by my family enjoying time together before church, I all of a sudden and by complete surprise I felt a massive gush come out of me. I immediately knew something was wrong and rushed to the bathroom. I found an unbelievable amount of blood-filled fluid, like my water had broken. The bleeding became worse and worse and the cramping that came with it was pretty severe. I just knew that absolutely no way could I still be pregnant. There was way, way too much blood and cramping. And, what was the fluid if not the fluid from the amniotic sac?
David and I were both devastated. We were also in shock. Throughout the whole day I was either crying or catatonic staring at the walls in complete depression. Thankfully David took the kids to church and I was able to have some time alone. But, it didn't help. I couldn't believe it. How could this happen? I was so sure that we were supposed to have this baby.
I asked David if we should go to the ER. But, he said there is nothing they could do in the 1st trimester. He told me that the best thing to do was to wait for the ultrasound I had scheduled for Monday, the next day.
Wait. Wait. Wait. Torture.
Late into the night David and sat waiting and holding each other.
The next day David moved my ultrasound appointment up from 2pm to 10 am. He wanted to be there and the morning was the only time he could be.
So, we went. As David and I silently walked the dark halls of the hospital basement I dreaded lying on the ultrasound table listening to the news that nothing was there anymore.
The tech put the warm gel on my belly and placed the instrument on me. Then she announced after a couple of minutes, "There's the heartbeat."
David smiled at me and asked if I could see it.
We were both so surprised and in shock again. But this time for a very good reason. WE STILL HAVE A BABY! I couldn't understand how this could be because with all the fluid, cramping and blood loss no baby should have survived.
But apparently after analysis and study of the ultrasound pictures it was determined that I had a sub-chorionic bleed... or something like that. I was told that it was basically a mild rupture of the placenta. And, when it started to heal it created a pocket that filled up with blood. Blood kept building up and building up until it ruptured. And, that is what I experienced on Sunday. I suppose it is pretty common. At least that is what I am told. And, it will heal up to be a perfectly normal pregnancy. But, we need to keep on top of it now. I am now visiting a maternal-fetal medicine doc regularly.
I guess I am in for another drama boy....
So, here it is! This is the very first Ultrasound of Honour. He is measuring perfectly at 7 weeks and 3 days. His heartbeat is just perfect at 150 beats.

He is the blob on the left in the black center.

Who Wants Some Money?

I've got $100 monopoly cash in hand for the first person who can tell me who the heck SNOPES is.
I want details... Who are they? What are their credentials? And I'll give a bonus 50 monopoly bucks for the best answer as to why every person and their dog blindly believes everything SNOPES has to say. What does SNOPES even stand for? Smug -N- Ostentatious People Evermore Reference Snopes??? One catch... NO SNOPSING YOUR ANSWER!

I am so sick and tired of receiving emails from people that others feel the need to SNOPE. No.... I am mostly sick and tired of receiving response emails of the emails that were SNOPED. And, the sick and tiredness aren't even pregnancy related! I mean really! Who gives a rats???!!!

Mostly all anyone pays attention to in those emails are the pictures anyway. Does anyone even read their emails, at all? If you feel the need to SNOPES, then you either have way too much time on your hands or you are the braniac in the front of the class that always needs to be right. Either way, life is much easier if you just let it go... I'm just sayin'....

It is because of you SNOPERS that I rarely forward emails. If that is what you were going for, then mission accomplished.  But, before you gloat, let me just inform you that you prevent heart-warming stories of peace and love from spreading across the land. If you do that then you, in essence, spread sinicism and are anti-love.
I would not be surprised if SNOPERS are the end of the world!

I think I should start a web site named "BECAUSE I SAID SO." It will contradict anything anything SNOPES has to say. Then, all of us who really don't care can add "Checked by BECAUSE I SAID SO."

I Boycott kindergarteners!

I was the reader guest for Hope's kindergarten class today. Hope was very excited. She picked out the book "How Santa Got His Job." I was cool with that. It is a fun book and perfect for the season.
So when I got to Hope's school, she saw me walk into her class and was very excited..... naturally, cause I'm awesome.
But, some other kids were excited too. And, I was soon cornered. I was happy to see the kicks and share with them my literary skill. That was until after eyeballing me up and down a little girl asked,

"Are you Miss Irmen's mom?"

CHOKE!  EXCUSE ME????  Just how old do you think I am, kid? I mean really... Don't they teach you anything in Kindergarten????  I know Miss Irmen is a young teacher and unfortunately I am aging, but I don't look THAT old! And, I could not possibly have a 22 year old daughter! That would have made me 10 years old at the time of giving birth.
The naughty little girl with an obvious visual imparment made me so insecure that I had to call David and ask him how old I looked. And, my mirror time was a little extra long.... like for the rest of the day.

Anyway... To do list today...
  • Get a pore and wrinkle shrinking facial mask
  • Call for a hair appointment
  • Do some squats
  • Follow up with arm curls

Christmas Shopping..... The meaning of Christmas????

In the words of my good friend, "There are only 16 more shopping days left to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior." - Cannon
Tis the season to be jolly.. and shopping. My kids wanted to join in on the fun. So, they begged me to take them out to Meijer. (It is like a small version of Super Wal-Mart.)
At first I was all for it. I knew we were done shopping yet. But, then David made a stink about not wanting to go. (He can be such a poop about shopping!) Ugh... Well, the kids were begging, and I was faced with taking all 4 by myself. I was reluctant, but went.
Getting down to the store was not so bad. Then we entered. The kids acted like they have never been in public before! The little ones were mostly fine. It was my big kids that gave me holiday strife.
We walked up and down the toy isles over, and over, and over, and over again. I began losing control not only of my children, but my mind. At one point I turned the corner of an aisle and found Faith 4 feet in the air horizontal as a skate board was speedily racing toward me. (Apparently she is jealous of all the attention Justice has been getting lately, and wanted to take a trip to the ER after our shopping.) Another time Courage had bounced a ball so high that it got away from him and through oncoming shoppers, until he could find it no longer. Justice thought that was cool, so he tried it too.
After an hour of antics like these, I was done. My holly jolly turned into HOLY CRAP GET ME OUT OF HERE!
But, when I told the kids that we were leaving, they all complained that we didn't buy anything! What? Are you kidding me? I thought holiday shopping meant walking around until you'd rather poke your eyes out than see another Christmas gimmick....
Well, that is when Hope began her melt down. She sobbed huge crocodile tears because I told her we'd try again another time (buy a present for her friend.)
So what did I learn?
I love Christmas. I love shopping. But, I am not so sure about combining the 2. And, I am definitely sure that when kids are involved it is just gonna suck a big one.

Pray Always

The lesson today at church was to always be in prayer or have a prayer in your heart. But, after what I had recently witnessed I don't think that should always be the case....
The bedtime routine in our home is to have the kids gather around as we read the scriptures as a family. Then we have a family prayer. That is simple enough. Right?
Afterwards, we have the kids march upstairs and do their final "bedtime" routine. That is they go to the bathroom, brush teeth, set out clothes for tomorrow, etc. 
Well, as they were all doing that I shouted to them all, "Say your personal prayers before I get up there!"
A few minutes later, I walked up stairs and saw Justice standing in the bathroom at the top of the stairs. He was saying his bedtime prayer. ".....And thank you for my mom and dad. Please help me to be a good boy. In the name of Jesus Christ.....", as he had his underpants down to his ankles and had a firm hold on his little tail with pee streaming out of it. I quickly said, "Justice! Not now! That is not reverent. Wait until you are done peeing. Then you say your prayers kneeling at your bed." He just looked up at me with a huge smile and those big brown eyes of his. 

I love that boy.

FYI - "Tail" is what we call "Penis" in our home. It has been that way for a couple of years now; ever since Hope told us she wanted a tail like Courage and Daddy. It makes sense. It is in the right area and it hangs like a tail.

I'm famous

I just discovered that my blog is listed on Alphainventions.com. The blog post I first found on there was "Waking from the Land of Nod." I must admit that that is one of my favorite posts also. I think David likes it too, even though he acts like he doesn't.
After the initial grumble from him about it.... "Tera, that's not even funny! Why would you do that?!.. et cetera..., I caught him secretly looking at it while in mass hysteria of laughter.
But, I wonder how my post got on the alpgainvention site...? It is a mystery that may never be explained. But, I am just glad someone appreciated what I had to say enough to share it with such a huge audience.

Related post:

My Big Secret

Ok, against my better judgment I am going to share some totally exciting news with you, because I just HAVE TO talk about it....


The last pregnancy ended horribly and that is the hesitation for sharing the news this time. But, I just have to talk about it. Plus, our kids know already and are begging to tell their friends.  And, everything so far is looking fantastic! Hormone levels are really strong. I am sicker than a dog, exhausted, and I have some crazy cravings. I have an ultrasound to make sure everything "looks" good on the December 14th. I am a little nervous for that one. My last ultrasound was a disaster.

Anyway, David and I have decided to only share with people who read my blog. We want to be happy about it and not telling anyone almost feels like a defeatist attitude. However, I am still a little scared. So, I ask that you also keep your discussions about it limited to this blog. Please don't talk about it at church. Don't mention it on facebook. Let this just be our secret for a little while longer.  Then when I say, feel free to discuss amongst yourselves. I just don't want to tell everyone I see the bad news that I lost another one... Should it happen - and then to get all the sympathy looks and gifts... (But, I think this one will take. :) Pray for the baby anyway... Thanks....

OK... So be happy for me. And expect some crazy future blogging from me because I have some crazy happenings going on already involving this pregnancy.
BTW - I am 6 1/2 weeks today. The baby is due July 29th, 2010. His name will be Honour. Yes. I can feel it is a boy!

Dr. Mom to the Rescue

I the midst of illness and writhing pain, I would tell my dad at times when growing up, "Dad, my stomach hurts." "Does your face hurt?” he'd reply. "No", I'd answer. "We'll it's killing me!” He would always end with.
I learned to go to my mom whenever I was sick.... She would run me a steamy hot bath, make me some "suicide tea", give me a glass of juice to wash it down with, and pump me full of white willow bark, Echinacea, and golden seal root. And, then she would lather me up with Sunbreeze, which in the natural equivalent to Vapor Rub. But because it was natural, I even had to put it ON my tongue.

Moms are the doctors in the home. Even in my own home, David may have the medical diploma out for everyone to see, but I do the doctoring.
When Hope gets one of her many UTIs, David just says "that girl!", and continues whatever he is doing. I on the other hand give David his script pad and tell him to not come home until he has an antibiotic in hand.
Tonight Faith came in our room crying that her stomach hurt and she felt like she was going to throw up because her throat hurt, too. David gave her blank stares. I on the other hand administered Pepto and gave her a sore throat lozenge. She is currently sleeping peacefully.
The other day when Justice got into whatever "yellow water" that poisoned him for 6 hours David went to work. But, I cleaned up after Justice, kept him full of fluids, called poison control, and ultimately took him to the ER.
When Courage was younger and almost died from his infection, who wanted to wait out the fever until morning? And, who rushed Courage to the ER? You guessed it. David waits. I rush. The doctors said he would have been dead by the morning. And, waiting even a couple more hours would have required amputation of his leg.
Yet, somehow David feels justified in making fun of me to his doctor friends and peers, because I take charge when the kids are in sickly peril. Why? Because after all HE is the doctor.... And, I am the lowly stay at home mom.
But, answer me this... Are we dealing with vaginas? Who needs their uterus taken out? Yeah. That's what I thought. And, who is the one who takes initiative when the kids are sick? Right-O! It's me.
So next time you feel inclined to joke about "Dr. Mom"..... SHUT IT! Dr. Mom ALWAYS comes to the rescue. And, Dr. Mom is always right. It's called "Motherly Intuition." Don't mess with Momma.
As a side note... David is a FABULOUS ObGyn! If you are prego, have a rank or "cheesy" wahoo, need your uterus yanked, or even need your fallopian tubes roto-rootered go to him. He's your man.

Oh My!!! What Now????

Well, if CPS didn't call you yesterday. They might today.
I was woken up this morning at 5:30 am by Justice. With my eyes closed and as I was still trying to sleep, I heard Justice gagging by the side of my bed. He sputtered out, "Mommy, the yellow water hurts my tongue. Mommy I keep throwing up." Upon hearing that, my eyes shot open to see that he was covered in throw-up and had foam around his mouth and hanging like a beard down his chin to his chest.


I jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom to get David who was showering. I told him to get out and repeated to David what Justice said to me. David hit panic mode, also. I rushed to see what Justice could have swallowed. And only found a sippy cup with water. David tasted the water and said that it had a soap aftertaste. But, we couldn't imagine that a soapy residue could have this effect of a 3 yr old.

Just to be sure, I gave him some milk to coat his stomach.

So, I watched Justice for a while to make sure he was doing OK.... He fell asleep and then woke up vomiting again. It was the milk that came up, very thick and in huge curds. He started begging me to take him to the hospital. His belly hurt severely and he had back pain, and vomiting.

I called poison control. They thought that it sounded like soap residue. And they told me to give him fluids. I did.

But an hour later they called back and I could only tell them that he wouldn't stop vomiting and crying to go to the hospital. They told me that that is not normal for dish soap residue and that I needed to take him to the hospital at that point.

I decided to give Justice a bath because he was covered in vomit. Then he decided he was better, and appeared to be looking better. I wanted to test that so I took Justice across the street to his friends to see if he in fact felt better. The last thing I wanted to do was walk into the ER with this same child - AGAIN.

But after about 5 minutes of being with friends, Justice said he wanted to go home. I knew at that point that we really should go to the ER. Plus, when we got back home from visiting friends Justice threw up all the water that he had just drank. He was keeping nothing down.

I got us ready, grabbed Justice, a blanket, and a throw-up bucket, and drove to the hospital. We met David at the ER. And, the nurses took us right back. Everyone just laughed (thankfully) at his crazy antics and misfortunes this last month. I am now getting pretty uneasy when I walk in to the ER carrying Justice... again, and again, and again.

We were in the ER for about an hour and a half so Justice could be observed. Since we really didn't know what he drank there was nothing we could do but wait and see what happened... No work up....

As time went on, he did improve in his demeanor and appearance. Of course at that point we were 6 hours into the whole ordeal.

The nurses gave him about 15 stickers and 2 popsicles, which he loved! I am glad he ate the popsicles and kept them down. But, notice the bed pan that came with the popsicles? I almost needed one too because I was going to start puking! He was EATING over it. I know it was sterile, but still. So, SOOOOO GROSS!

The doctor said 6 hours is the worry period. After that, if nothing happens, all is well.

We were then signed out of the hospital, but told that if Justice throws up again he needed to go back in.

Well, driving home Justice became sick again. His belly and back started hurting again. And, he demanded that I give him the bucket to throw up in and also that I turn the car around to go back to the hospital.

Sadly, I knew there was nothing they could do, so I went home knowing Justice had to make it through this.

When we got home Justice immediately fell asleep and collapsed on the stairs. To avoid any further accidents, I grabbed him and took him up stairs to his own bed. But, he still felt like throwing up and wanted the bucket, so I gave it to him. He put it on his face and fell asleep with it there.

Happily, I can say that when he woke up from his nap, it was like it was all a dream. He looked, felt and acted perfectly fine! Whatever was in his little system, left in 7 hours.

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