Life is Good...

Ok. So it has been nearly 10 months since I last posted on my blog. I am going to make a serious go at it again. But, where do I start?
I will just hit the highlights I guess. If you want more info on a particular topic I will do my best to tell more about it.  Here goes....

David - Nearly done with residency! Yay!!! 55 more days and counting. Took the boys to a Yankee game for his birthday and Loved it. I accidentally pressure washed him and took his skin off. Well, more like injected him with water and took skin off. He is at work ALL the time and waiting anxiously to be done with residency.

Faith - Got contacts and LOVES them. They are blue. She is getting ready for girl's camp because she is 12 and in Young Women's at church. She is the Beehive president. She is my hero every day... Such a HUGE helper. Had a hip hop recital - did awesome!

Courage - Had mono for 10 weeks and no one knew. Ran the 3000 meter in the JR. Olympics in Chicago and took 4th place (with mono). Runs a 22 minute 5k, which is amazing for a 10 yr old. Really absent-minded and needs serious help. lol...

Hope - Had her 7th birthday. She LOVES to cook with me. She is also in Ballet and had her 1st ballet recital. She did awesome! She had her 1st kiss on the lips with a boy named Diesel. She has her 1st 2 loose teeth.

Justice - Is so stinkin' cute it's insane. Had surgery on both ears hopefully for the last time. Got his hair cut- sad, sad day that was. He loves to dance! He loves HIS cat Cleo.

Honour - 9 months now. So much has changed with him that there is no way I can update it all. I am kicking myself for not keeping up with the blog... He got his 1st 2 teeth. He started crawling. He is now trying to walk. He is currently 30 lbs an 150% for weight. He is very proportionate though and not really fat, excluding baby fat of course. He had his 1st accident an got 3 stitches in his eyebrow. he loves his vegetables but not fruit too much. He definitely likes salty more than sweets. Fell out of my bed one night and so he was moved to a crib. He is the sweetest thing ever!

Me - I finally got my Nikon camera. It is a D3100!!! Stressed out about the move. Back in school and taking some fitness class, but don't really care about it - obviously. I got stopped radomly by another photgrapher to do another free photo shoot. I am kinda excited about it. Need to see a specialist about my TMJ. That Sucks. Trying to work out every day. I decided that I am going to be a Personal Development Consultant and Life Coach. I am also going into Photography. I always need something to do....  I am EXTREMELY sleep deprived.

As a family - WE are preparing for the move to Minot, ND. Not too long now. Working on the house for our renters. We started Geo-caching and love it!

1 comment:

Lissa said...

Hey there! Nice to see you back on the top of my blogroll! =) What the heck is TMJ? So fun that Faith is old enough for girl's camp! Can't wait till Amber gets to go. I swear I'll be the first parent volunteer! We can't wait to see you guys in a couple months! And seriously, you need to at least consider staying with us....even if only a night or two!

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