Today's Random Thoughts

I am so sick of school. I love learning on my own time. I hate schedules. When am I ever going to get pregnant again? I only want one more. I need to get better about my visiting teaching. I am going to schedule appointments today. I am addicted to the Internet. Why is it so cold? I wish winter was over. I need some Motrin. I hate headaches. I think I might cough up a lung. How do I get my kids to pick up after themselves? I need David to adjust my neck. My kids are eating us out of house and home. Who can I talk to on FB today? I should shower. I can't wait until nap time. Peace and quiet. I need to finish my final for Medical and Bioethics class. It is too cloudy outside. I am looking forward to my movie tonight. I will probably watch American Idol with David, though. I love my new blog layout design. I wish I was in AZ hanging with family. Everyone is working anyway. What's my sister up to? Why does pooping feel so good? I give too much info... I don't really care. I have no secrets. I need a hired handyman to fix my house. David smells so good. I want to go on a date. I deserve it. Cancel my doctor appointment. Where is my paint? Justice wants to paint. I hope he feels better soon. His snot gets caught in his hair. He is so cuddly when he is sick though... I love to cuddle with my kids. My Valentine's roses are so pretty. David is so good to me. I stay up to late. I want to go back to bed.


Tai said...

haha Tera! you are so funny. That rea\\\ll
y was random.( sorry Jocy was pushing buttons.) I wish you were in AZ too! We miss you guys.

Lissa said...

Why Does pooping feel so good?? Hahahahaha! I asked Amber and she said it's cause it's squishy. Kids are so weird! =)

Unknown said...

LOL! not because it is squishy... Gross.
It releases endorphins though and you feel lighter.. duh.

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