Mother's Day

Ok... Not one of the most memorable....
David worked a 24 hour shift at the hospital Saturday - of which he did NOT sleep one minute. But, when he got home he was carrying 2 dozen red roses. Then, he and the kids made me breakfast. I had pancakes and eggs with my salt... haha... David might need to work on his egg recipe. But, I loved it! I also had a pile of cards on the table waiting for me. I love cards made by my kids professing their love for me.
Shortly after breakfast, my nurse came over. She had to give me my weekly shot in my tush so I won't go into preterm labor. OUCH!
Then, we went to church. Afterwards, we all came home... David went upstairs (it was about 4:45 pm). He fell alseep and didn't wake up until Monday.
So, I made the kids and myself a roast for dinner. I topped it all off by sending the kids to bed and doing homework.
Hmmm.... I hate that Mother's day gets overshadowed by everything every year. Oh well...
But, after all is said and done, I would never consider doing anything other than being the mom to my beautiful 4 (almost 5) kids. They are my life and reason for being.  I am so blessed.

1 comment:

Clarisa said...

happy mother's day! a true day for you to get up and work. great. still, i can feel your family's love for you! lucky girl you are! ;)

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