Mother's Day

Ok... Not one of the most memorable....
David worked a 24 hour shift at the hospital Saturday - of which he did NOT sleep one minute. But, when he got home he was carrying 2 dozen red roses. Then, he and the kids made me breakfast. I had pancakes and eggs with my salt... haha... David might need to work on his egg recipe. But, I loved it! I also had a pile of cards on the table waiting for me. I love cards made by my kids professing their love for me.
Shortly after breakfast, my nurse came over. She had to give me my weekly shot in my tush so I won't go into preterm labor. OUCH!
Then, we went to church. Afterwards, we all came home... David went upstairs (it was about 4:45 pm). He fell alseep and didn't wake up until Monday.
So, I made the kids and myself a roast for dinner. I topped it all off by sending the kids to bed and doing homework.
Hmmm.... I hate that Mother's day gets overshadowed by everything every year. Oh well...
But, after all is said and done, I would never consider doing anything other than being the mom to my beautiful 4 (almost 5) kids. They are my life and reason for being.  I am so blessed.

David's Birthday

David turned a whopping 35 years old on May 14th! I can't get over that.. I remember when I was a kid that being in your 30's meant that you were OLD... Officially an adult.
We had a relaxed time celebrating it. In fact, the Friday he turned 35 our family was so busy with activities that we ended up celebrating his birthday on Saturday.
But, in the morning of his birthday, Hope and I went bright and early to the donut shop to get a dozen and a half donuts for breakfast. That was Hope's present to her daddy. She had planned it for about a month leading up to David's birthday and was convinced that he would "freak out and scream". Her words, not mine.
So, after she set the table (with the special red plate for David) all the kids and I sat down at the table and shouted "HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DAD! WAKE UP!" Of course I gave David the warning that this would happen. I also gave him strict instructions to "Freak out" when he saw his breakfast. He did't freak out, but he acted plenty surprised and happy, to Hope's sheer delight and enjoyment. She was very proud of herself.
Then we gave David his presents.
He got some canvas Crocs

that he has been eye-balling ,

a Swiss army knife/laser pointer/USB drive, and a day of golf at a local country club.

He was happy.
The next day, Saturday, we had our good friends and neighbors come over for a lasagna dinner, cake, ice cream, and games. We really enjoy getting together with friends. We had a lot of fun and laughed all night.
I think his birthday turned out pretty well! 

May Day!!!!

May has been a very busy month for us. I will do my best to catch you all up. I am very behind in my blogging because I have also been in my last few weeks of school. That is all I have focused on when I had my lap top opened to do computer work.... Aside from my few minutes of breaktimes to check emails and stuff...
So, all the happenings in May...
Hope's school talent show
David's birthday
Mother's Day
Our wedding anniversay
Faith's dance recital
Courage's 1k and 5 k races
Justice's Ear Troubles
Honour's development

Hope's 6th Birthday

I know it has been a while since Hope turned 6.... Her birthday was actually April 15th.... But, I have been a bit mentally occupied. So better late than never with this post....
Hope had a cute little party. We only let our kids have birthday parties on their "even" birthday years. That is the way we do it in our home because we have so many kids. We want parties to be special when they come around - instead of practically every month a new party.
Hope's ultimate dream job is to be a cook at the McDonald's by our local WalMart. So, for the longest time she has been planning a Cooking Party with all of her friends.
She invited 10 kids from school and church collectively. Together we made her Cooking party invitations. They turned out so cute, but I wasn't smart enough to think about taking a picture of them.
Then the party day came... She was so excited with all the balloons everywhere. We had planned a few activities.
When the kids arrived, the got right to work decorating their chef aprons and making their chef hats. The chef hats were made out of a cut strip of poster board and tissue paper. The aprons were disposable. I found them online for $1 a piece. We had all the kids decorate them with markers and stickers.
After the chef outfits were made, we had the kids make their own personal pizzas. All the toppings were set out on the table. Some kids got a little crazy with their topping choices...
After we made the pizza,  we all had fun eating our creations. Later the kids decorated their own cupcakes. It was fun. And, man oh man...., kids LOVE sprinkles.
Later, we played hot potato - a good cooking party game. Once again the kids loved it. Some got a little too excited though, and some things got broken... :( But, what do you expect with 10 kindergarteners in the home?
David came up with a geneous idea when present time came around... When Hope was ready to open her presents he had the kids play hot potato again. But, instead of whoever had the potato when the song was over being out, the kid with the potato got to give Hope their present to open. It was calm and organized. GENEOUS!
Then when it was time to go, we had the kids sit around in a circle and play with kittens. It was all quiet and organized until the parents came...
In the end, I am happy to say that Hope had a fantastic time and I am happy that it is all over.

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